Monday, August 3, 2009


The pen is mightier than the sword someone has said... at this moment i can't recall who said it! It doesn't matter.
i write on my blog, because i can.
Whether anyone other than a select few actually read it matters not.
It helps clear my head of jumbled thoughts, hopes, dreams and it's a release for my inner person.
Things written don't have to make sense to anyone else. It can be good therapy.
While suffering as a younger man with depression, writing was one of the things that helped keep me sane, rescuing me from the torment pounding inside my head.
Artists, musicians, poets, sculptors; every sorted member of these type mindsets needs an avenue of escape for their particular unique vision, dream scape, an outlet for their creative genius.
We are fearfully and wonderfully made... Ps. 139
There was genius in our creation. This is such an understatement to our creator.
i am saddened by those who refuse to see this. They would deny their very own specific, unique, person, even the DNA that is impossible to duplicate and would rather accept a random throw of the dice and say this is creation and i'm just a human being, a mammal with no particular function but to live and to die.
The seagull is drafting the air alongside of the boat we were using as we returned from watching whales in the Atlantic ocean off the coast of Gloucester Mass.
He is closer to the will of God than i am, because he is doing perfectly what he was created to do.
He doesn't have to think about it, nor have a debate in his mind, nor choose good or bad at the beginning of his day. He doesn't have to prove himself to anyone or worry about being judged for the things he will do during the day or at the end of his lifetime. He exists to do the perfect will of God in all and every circumstance and is at the right place at the right time for his life to be complete.
And... the only work he has to do is get to where the food for this day is going to be provided for him. In this case where the whales were feeding and when he was finished he hopped a ride on the current of wind from our boat, drafting alongside for the 45 minute ride back to shore.
He is also fearfully and wonderfully made!

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